Sunday, October 16, 2011

see a kibble, pick it up..all day long you'll have good...reason to sanitize your hands

when i was little the word 'fart' was off the table. we used the word 'stinker.' the conversation would be something like this: did you let a stinker? no. so my question now is, what does that even mean? did you let a stinker do what? you're probably asking, great, where is she going with this? no where, it's just that one of the boys passed gas the other day, and i was trying to determine what phrasing we should go with..fart, stinker, pass gas, flagellate...flagellate is the most correct, but i have never liked that word because it always reminded me of flapping in the lower hind region and that is not attractive. fart is the easiest, but it seems a bit crude..we may just have to go with pass gas.

it was great to have bmayes and reagan down to visit! yesterday we had late lunch at glorias and then i got to use my movie passes from the end of last year! we went to see the help and it was so great! i really did enjoy it. the theater was empty when we got there, so we got excellent seating! and then a handful of people joined us-maybe 20 total. 
i always worry about free passes b/c i wonder what the fine print will say, but we had no problems...and i have one pass left!
 earlier in the morning, b had gone to grab breakfast with a friend, and i was in the kitchen cleaning when i looked down and saw one of reagan's kibbles (she eats a different type of food than the boys).
they're a little smaller and rounder
well, i figured chaco or reagan had grabbed a piece and moved it, because they do that when they eat-grab a piece, go to the other room and eat it...well, i picked it up to put it back in the bowl, and it wasn't hard like a i threw it into the toilet and sanitized my hands. the thing is, it was tiny, and so it didn't look like what it was. anyhoo...all clean now.

how 'bout them rangers?!
how 'bout them sooners?!
we were flipping back and forth between the two last night. you must understand that i am not big into college football, so i just picked the team where i have a group of dear friends, and they have become my i've been there and played around on campus, and thus i have become a sooners fan (not die hard, but if i notice they're playing, they get my hurraay)!

if you see a kibble on the ground...just throw it away.

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