Friday, October 28, 2011

flip the switch or not? will it alter the escence of our school?

this morning i heard a kid talking about the yogurt label at breakfast and this was what i heard: it has an indian, that means they made it a long, long time ago. least they got the concept of indigenous tribes in tx before the settlers came!

this morning, the announcements seemed like an extension of last night's world series game-train wreck! it was quite a fiasco...start the pledge, stop the pledge, say it wrong, do the next, repeat...then do bdays, and oh yeah! weekend bdays...and they eventually did draw to an end.

when i was in the special bathroom at school, i noticed something i've never noticed before!
desmond, push the button! it's been 108 minutes!! the red light was definitely activated..i have no clue what that switch could possibly be for!
doesn't it remind you of something from lost? the dharma initiative? i'm not really a lost geek, i had to look up pushing the button and believe it or not, there is a it just me or is that ridiculous? since when do we just stick pedia on the end of a word and then use that as a resource to tell all about that word?

i love the geico robot daycare commercial! i do a half laugh every time the robot squeezes the juice into the little girl's face! she really looks like it's unexpected and she doesn't know what to do!

yesterday i stopped to get my mail and when i was getting my checkbook from my bag in the trunk of the car, i heard a lady across the little courtyard in the other parking lot yell, "hey!" i looked up and she said, "i like your car! that's a good-looking car!" i politely said thanks and she got in her car and drove off.(is there a more appropriate response? i don't really know 'car-admiration-etiquette') i have no idea who the lady was. so i crossed the drive to go to the office to pay my bill and on the way back out, i detoured over by where the lady had been parked to see if my car somehow looked spectacularly different from this point of view. and i'm sure the two girls in the truck which was now sitting there were wondering what in the world i was doing as i took this strange route to my car.

on the way home today i did go to petsmart to return the cat stuffs...and i got bruno his sweater. he loved it...ok, at least he wore it. then we went out for our walk and tote. bruno rode in the sling because he wasn't in the mood (again). so we went to the office and the boys cut up and joked around with mandy and shannon and they brought out the soft dog snacks...mandy proceeded to smell it and said she wondered what it tasted like, so true to form, i said, "if it's ok for the dog, it's safe, try it!" shannon was also prodding her to try it. and she did. and the shannon tried it because mandy said it was good...tasted like beef jerky! easy targets.

and i thought maybe bruno would walk home...he started out ok, but about 20 ft out, he stopped cooperating. grr...but at least they looked good in their new shirts!

oh weekend, what am i going to do with you??ZZ(that was bruno stepping on the keyboard...i think i kinda like his idea!)

oh, i had a crazy dream last night too. i showed up at a school to confront a boy who was rumored to be sexually harassing some of my Bible-study girls, so i went in and showed his picture to someone who told me i'd have to talk to the coach. so i turned and there were 3 different coaches with name tags on that said 'coach' but none of them knoew who he was..wrong coaches. so i went outside to the baseball field and a guy was throwing practice pitches....only, the practice field was surrounded by huge pine trees and other foliage-it seemed more like we were in a forest. the coach stopped and showed me his plants that were out near the outfield-they were huge bushes with softball sized reddish-maroon flowers (mini-me's of the little shop of horror's plant); and their little mouths opened wide enough to catch the ball.
well, i was going to say 'it's your 12th man!' but i caught myself at "it's your..." because i wasn't sure how many men are on the baseball field at once, and i didn't want to sound stupid, so i just finished with, "your secret weapon!" smart move...and it was about there that i must've woken up because i draw a blank on the rest.

i know, you probably don't care one bit about my bizarre dreams..i think it was the peppermint coffee, world series, piney-woods (social studies), and might have also been the little girl i saw trying to sneakily cut the apartment roses up front by the water fountain and sneak them into her little basket keeping an eye out to not get caught(the flower bush part).

well, i suppose i'll lay off the coffee tonight before bed!

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