Saturday, October 1, 2011

i was always the 'smart' angel. all mystery solvers are smart.

this morning i woke up with a terrible headache and so i took 2 aspirin-it didn't really help, so i drank some coffee (hoping the caffeine would didn't) so awhile later i took two more aspirin. still waiting.
 when the aspirin didn't work i thought maybe a brisk walk with the dogs would help. i was determined that bruno would actually make it further than the stairs so we kinda drag/walked for awhile (no, he didn't dress like a girl, i dragged him). we got out to the back and bruno just stopped again and sat.
look carefully he's the little bump in the shadow of the tree...he did NOT want to come with us.
i'm afraid i might have to find an animal behaviorist or something. it's getting ridiculous.

when i was young, i watched charlie's angels. i LOVED it! so i thought i'd watch an episode of the new charlie's angels...i don't think it's ok to have a hot bosley. it just doesn't seem right. it really doesn't hold a candle to the original. bell-bottoms and favorite angel was sabrina because she was smart. she was probably the least 'hot' angel, but she was the brains of the operation and even at that age, i had an appreciation for intelligence (without even realizing it).in fact, when we lived in costa rica, we would play charlies angels and i was always sabrina. i didn't tell the other two why. but i think i knew why.  i also find it interesting that kelly (jaclyn smith) is the face on the 'fancy line of clothing' at...wait for it..kmart! i don't think there are any kmarts in dallas...?

i guess i would have to say that mystery is my favorite genre. i loved the nancy drew mysteries, which led me to the hardy boys and trixie beldon books. i was intrigued by encyclopedia brown mysteries and when the mystery books came out with the reporter whose siamese cat koko helped him solve mysteries i was fascinated.and i always opt for the mystery shows like murder she write, diagnosis murder, magnum p.i, cagney and lacey...does anyone remember moonlighting and remington steele? all winners in my book. maybe i like them because (again subconsciously),i know they are thinkers. at least in the script they are.

the new show that i am REALLY looking forward to is once upon a time it starts in late october on sunday nights ABC; it looks very interesting-hopefully it will pan out. t really seems like one i might be able to appreciate.

 this afternoon i felt the need to cut my hair.not to get my hair cut, i  decided to cut it myself (as always). short enough to feel shorter, but long enough to still get it into a ponytail. perfect.i know that has nothing to do with everything else, but that's how chain of consciousness works! (if you're used to me, that's how i work!)

although we cannot solve all of life's mysteries, hopefully we can solve the little pooped on the floor? i can usually solve that one (i can automatically rule myself and any human guests out). then i know which puppy is bigger and which one is smaller...don't have to be a genius to solve some mysteries.

may your problem solving skills not be wasted,

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