Friday, June 17, 2022

back- because the stories continue

it's no secret that life moves on whether you want it to or not. bruno was a heavy loss. even now, just writing that, even though more than a year has passed, my eyes tear up a bit and my throat gets dry...and i sneak a peak over at chaco who has stopped yapping long enough to fall into a peaceful sleep beside me as we close out a LOOOOOONG week!

 i seriously have NO idea what made this week stretch into what seems like 2 weeks, and i know it's not just me. so, yeah, it's been a minute since i've had the interest or courage to pick up here again. so much happens over a year and 1/2!  i suppose this is the update and restart. 

 so. let's start with chaco- he is doing well! my best and truest companion! he is still afraid of anything that makes a strange noise, although he has gotten a little braver. storms are still our biggest nemesis, and we are battling that with a little cbd oil. it may be a long hurricane season. fortunately we have also found a great pup-sitter as travel has picked up a bit since covid - he is enamored! whenever i come home from a trip, he still goes running to the guest room for the next couple mornings looking for her! that makes me happy! i know he is in good hands-

so, what is new? in the last quarter of last year, i applied and interviewed for a new position at my company. what you should know about me is that i have never really been a competitive person with desire to 'climb the ladder.' not my style. (in fact, i only moved into the coaching position at my school back in dallas because i trusted my principal, Dr. JoAnne Hughes, who asked me to consider the position- thank you for believing in me!) 
interestingly enough, as things would unfold, our company had a bit of a reorg, and a management position opened (again, not my aspiration by any means), but i happened to be reading a couple books- MOVE and RISE, by the same author, and was inspired to give it a go regardless of how unqualified i felt. if you know me at all, you will appreciate that the reason i began to really DESIRE the position was to be an advocate for my colleagues. to find a way to really support and encourage them. i was also super excited to work with my immediate manager...she is so gracious, understanding, calm and supportive. driven by integrity ..i still have a lot that i can learn from her. unfortunately for me, she took a position with our sales department, but it's all good- we get a chance to support her however we can! and we do our best to keep up. i have huge respect for her, as does the rest of the team!
 it is certainly a learning game, and i know i will make mistakes. but fortunately i report to a wonderful director, who has been a tremendous mentor and help!! and i am also very fortunate to have two manager peers on either coast who think outside the box, are so supportive and open to new ideas. we have a leadership team in which honesty and vulnerability is welcome...hard conversations happen because there is safety, and we are challenged to try new things. #challengeaccepted

 BUT what really keeps me going and makes me excited to wake up and start the day is my team! i'm a little obsessed with my team... i just want the best for every single one of them! whether it's work-related or personal life, my prayer is that they thrive and if i can help that happen, my life is a little richer! every single one of them is talented, creative, brilliant...each one a problem-solver and willing to do whatever it takes. i am surrounded by people much smarter and more talented than myself- i LOVE our discussions and thought partnering with them! i am merely here to help shine the light back on them and help them help teachers, schools and districts as much as possible. i am fortunate and grateful. 

 so that is the work side of things...

there are more stories there, but today's goal is just to get caught up! 

 while work takes up the biggest portion of my days, there are the fun moments, and this summer, the theme is paddle boarding or kayaking to the sandbar to soak up the vitamin d and hopefully meet a rich captain...although it's harder than it sounds because once we anchor, i just lay out on the board and enjoy the sun, which in turn makes it difficult to meet people because it is highly unlikely that an eligible bachelor will just come drifting into the shallows while i'm soaking up the sun. but let's be honest, this is how i feel the movie should play out. otherwise, i'm just going to paddle myself home and cuddle with chaco. and to be clear, he's a good best friend- predictable!

did i mention i'm still thankful to have had the opportunity to relocate to florida, going on 6 1/2 years now! my only regret- friends being so far away.

i think we have the gist and now i will be more consistent and work my way back to more specific stories, because that is where the fun happens! 


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