Monday, July 16, 2018

celebrating independence and being prepared- quite satisfying

when the 4th of july rolled around, i got up early to avoid the craziest of traffic and made my way to the beach before the crowds to get parking and stake out a couple of trees to hammock in! it was a lovely morning, and i stuck around for a few hours-left a little after noon, and i am SO glad that i went early because as i exited the island, the traffic coming in was unbearable and i would have lost my mind!
i came home and chilled for a little bit and headed to shea's for a little grill-out with her brother and parents! i'm glad then gang got to visit! caleb shot off some fireworks...not sure if they were duds, or if it was just that the bottle rockets weren't being shot from bottles, but we may or may not have been yelled at from across the pond! i'm sure there are HOA rules, but come on! 

then on friday we made it out on the boat shea had rented, and we played up at egmont key, walked the west side of the beach down to the barrier point. the southern portion of the island is a bird reserve! then we got back on the boat and headed out to the ruins of a fort off the west side of the key, and snorkeled around. that was pretty cool! it was good to see the growth, and reaffirming that the artificial reefs that are being 'planted' and created will do some good as far as building habitat for fish and other sea life! 

then we made our way to one of the sandbars, and i had a headache, so i stayed on the boat while they went to explore. when they returned, they confirmed the rumor (of which i knew nothing): there were nudists among us! not everyone, but there were a few. although, technically if they are wearing floppy hats, are they actually naked? anyhoo....too much exposure, AMI..and then we headed back through the bay to salty dog for lunch, and it was, as always, amazing. 

i didn't get out on sunday because i had a crazy headache, but it was a great week-restful and slow. 

i feel that i am now as prepared as i could be for hurricane season! i invested in a solar-powered generator, and 2 solar panels to recharge it when the power is out. it should power up the mini fridge-should i need it, as well as lights, charge the phones or run computers...but most importantly the coffee pot. not sure about the surge power on the keurig, but i prefer to brew a pot, because i do go through my fair share of coffee! 
compact and portable enough to take camping!

love that part of the proceeds goes to veterans and their families!
the cool thing is that when i ordered it, i received an additional batch of supplies. i probably didn't need the power-saving tips playing cards, although there was some great information on several cards that i didn't realize. i love the life-straw, and had thought about getting one awhile back-great for camping...or if you're just like, "oh, hey, i just want to drink out of this mud puddle here, because i can!" there was also an LED lantern-also solar powered; i'm impressed by how bright it is! a tactical pen-which is for self-defense, and i can't carry it on an airplane-what good is that?! 72-hour food supply (freeze dried), but i went out and got more non-perishable food as well and have it set aside...i purchased a first-aid kit, etc. i've always considered myself a very prepared; i usually carry way too much, but when someone asks for something and i have it, it sure is nice! so yes. peace of mind! 
so handsome!
plus chaco now has a thunder shirt, which seems to help with the rain and during storms...the big claps of thunder still get both of the boys riled up, but the anxiety seems much lower. i suppose i am really looking forward to seeing whether or not it helps when we travel. will let you know!

be prepared! 

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