Monday, February 1, 2016

it's february! love is a is my mouth

today was a high anxiety day. i wasn't expecting it to be, and truly there is no reason it should have been. i need to just sit and make a priority list, because i am beginning to worry about the things i'm forgetting. this is a bad cycle to start! much of the day was spent trying to get materials together for tutoring-but it's ready, and now we move on to the next check on the list!

oh, and remember that one time when i was eating some peanuts from a most delicious trail mix, and i almost immediately knew that something was wrong when something clanked against me teeth...peanuts are not supposed to 'clank.' so as i walked into my office i spit the peanuts into my hand and began to sift through and found that half my tooth had cracked and lo and behold, there it was. nice. it took a minute to register, i was somewhat surprised, and to be clear, it was almost humorous if it wasn't going to cost so much. ouch. it doesn't hurt because of the way it broke, but it is annoying, and there is a hole that my tongue keeps being drawn to. ack. what hurts is the idea of any sort of tax refund going into that hole. mother of a biscuit.

pretty sure there is no biblical truth to be found in that, and it put me in a bad mood-hard to shake it off, so i set my appointment, and will have to go in tomorrow afternoon-after my off-site observation. 

and since we're speaking of the mouth being a battlefield, sometimes the things that come out of my mouth can be unintentionally hurtful. i try so hard to be aware of that and to control my words. i want my words to be seasoned with grace. i need to draw closer to God for this to happen, because let's face it, i am weak. but this i have decided,  i don't ever want to walk away from someone without leaving good last words. you know the ones i'm talking about. the ones that linger and make people feel special. the ones that actually let people know that you truly care, and don't leave them guessing. the ones that say, "you are so very special to me and i hope you never forget it!" you never know when your last words to someone might be, so i really want to leave positive last words. i need to remind myself of that. i want that to become a habit....that it would be strange if i didn't. 

i really should have planned better on the way home from work tonight. i had some errands to run and i really should have used the restroom before i left school, but i figured it'd be okay-bladder don't fail me now...well, had i been interviewed by a bladder analysis interviewer (no such thing, made it up, don't bother googling it), it would've sounded something like this:
BAI: so, on a scale of 1 to 10, how badly did you have to go to the bathroom by the time you got to your door on the third floor? 
me: umm..eighteen hundred thousand and ten!
BAI: well, then why didn't you go sooner? 
me: places to go, things to do-errands to run...derby hats to make........
BAI: well, in my opinion, you should make wiser choices, perhaps a 16 oz water instead of a 2 L bottle of water might be a good start.
point taken.

it was a long day and a rough conversation this evening...i don't like those, so...i just went to my gratitude jar a few minutes ago (which has been filling up steadily) and i poured them all out to read them. i need to be reminded of these things, these are the things that get us through. 

gratitude for the big things and the little things and the sometimes overlooked and under appreciated things

on the bright side, i did get these in the mail and hope to get some use out of them soon...hopefully i can twist my friend's arm to teach me how to play a show me some pointers-
seems like a good hobby to pick up-outdoors, exercise, relaxing
oh! so i would be remiss if i failed to mention that the best thing that happened today was early-when i got there in the morning and was working only to look up and see nicolette, who'd come to retrieve her keys! i didn't realize she'd be back, so it was genuinely a surprise...she was missed in the fifth grade arena, but on the other hand, for her own sake, it was probably better that she was not there! welcome back!

p.s. shea, do the have frisbee golf near you? if so, i will bring the discs!

may your gratitude jar be full,  
good night!

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