Tuesday, December 31, 2013

calendar dogs and making 2014 happen

is it really the last day of the year? it must be because everyone is posting end of the year and new year craziness.

we spent the last day of the year relaxing, reading and enjoying the beautiful weather that today presented.
i love it that this one is truly a lap dog and that he loves sitting on my lap and he actually fits
when we went outside to do our business (they did their business, i just checked the mail), we stopped at dad's wood shop and they went up on the porch and chaco said, "hey, take our picture! this one will be great for a new calendar..you're making one this year, right?" and bruno was just kinda' like... really? is this necessary?
sometimes it takes a minute, but when i can get them to both pay attention, they're pretty good models (this one will be in my new year calendar)

as i look back and reflect on the year, 2013 just kinda' slipped by. nothing spectacular, it just plodded along. 

i want more out of 2014. and that's going to be up to me. i did start by picking up one of these:
i was an idiot and i let mine expire. my bad.
i'm not really dying to go anywhere but back to HONDURAS to visit, really i need to get out to see more of the U.S. we have such a great abundance of beauty that i have yet to mark off my list-makes me wish i had an r.v.

also on my list:
- find a church nearby that i really love and feel a part of.
-there was a homeless group that i was about to get involved in a couple of years ago that i would like to look into more closely.
-more walks with the boys-more dog parks.
-more visits to norman (now that bmayes is back).
-more smiling.
-more laughing.
-more singing, and maybe some dancing in the rain (when everyone else is inside).
-more eating outside.
-more walks at lunch.
-less t.v.
-less social media (that will be difficult)
-more letter-writing.
-more compliments and encouragement.
-less criticizing, more helping.
-more painting.
-more exercising.
-more eating well.
-more leisurely reading.
-more risk-taking.
-less second-guessing.
-less caring about what everyone else thinks.
-more nature.
-visit more museums, plays, and other fun cultural events.
-catch up with more old friends (not that they have to be ancient-old, more like simply reuniting with people who have been special to me at some point in my life).

i'm sure there are more things that will go onto this list, but it's a good start.

move over 2013, there's a new year in town!

instead of just waking up tomorrow and saying, "happy new year!" let's wake up every morning and say, "HAPPY NEW DAY!"


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