Saturday, November 17, 2012

thanksgiving...give thanks for the ñ in the spanish language

long overdue.

sorry about the time lapse. umm...if i laugh randomly at any point, please forgive me, i just put in elf, and i laugh every time! (i wanted to watch miracle on 34th street, but i don't have it).
our countdown is actually down to our last feather, so excited that thanksgiving is around the corner!

we also had our field trip to the environmental center. it was great for our students to learn about soil! then i took them out on the trail and improvised quite a bit...good thing i'd been on the trail before and i remembered some of what the guide had said. we found some scat and i may have gotten a stick to see if there was anything cool in it...but there were just a couple of undigested seeds. science teacher!

anyhoo, a lot going on. i agreed to go to some multi-language trainings and a science multi language training. well, i got my dates mixed up because of thanksgiving being in the middle and all...well. i missed the training this morning, but in all fairness, i had today double-booked...i may have to take blanca's suggestion and get a paper schedule book! today i subjected myself to another group interview at smu with the teaching trust. only this time it was for a policy fellows program. it entails a few tuesday evenings during the spring-if i get accepted.

last week at the science training, i actually picked up several great pointers that will be helpful!
at first glance it may not look like it, but it is an example of weathering and erosion!

we struggled over this common assessment thing that we need for 4th grade, and there was a pretty good one in english, but the problem was that we didn't have one in spanish, so i went ahead and typed the whole thing over again and pushed the translate button, went in and did a quick precursory once-over, and put it in a drop box for my co-worker maria to go over (always better to defer to the native speaker!).

the problem with writing the whole thing in spanish is that i am lazy and i don't like to go into the symbols every time i need to use a ñ = party letter! pronounced en-yea...not yay as some would spell it, but yea as in "woo hoo!" not to be confused with yeah-which is just a lazy yes. people mix them up a lot...i think 'yay' is actually accepted in words with friends, but still, that doesn't make it alright; i mean merriams dictionary doesn't even recognize it! anyhoo, like i said, ñ is a party letter. let's face it, a piñata wouldn't be a piñata without the ñ, and a party with a 'pinata' would fall flat. and another thing, if there were no ñ, i wouldn't wish you a happy new year, i'd be wishing you a happy new anus, which is something i hope i never have to wish anyone!

all of that to say i am lazy-and i'm not even talking about adding the accent marks! (i used to know all of the number codes to put them in manually-back when i used to have to type papers)

huge thank you to xochitl for bringing pecan pie to the thanksgiving potluck at school!! (i mean, after i wrote on the poster requesting it, i was hopeful! seriously even if there were no turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes...if there were just pecan pie, it would speak thanksgiving to me just as much!)

ok, my eyes are wanting to shut, so i must go now.

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