Sunday, March 23, 2014

mad gab champion skills put to work at walmart!

well. let's see. a lot has happened in the past week. we worked up a small writers boot camp- camp ROCKSTAR!  for writing rockstars! so part of this little gig was a small 'assembly.' i pulled that one together as painlessly as possible.
so...we all just wanna be big rock stars...

pretty sure i stumbled through the entire thing...with no real microphone (hopefully they could hear me just fine)...they were a tough crowd. mostly because they had no idea what to expect, i think.  tomorrow by the end of the day, they should all be full-fledged writing rockstars as well. smile.

 a couple of the teachers said that their students were a little confused. "that looked a little like ms. robinson." i guess we don't dress up nearly as much as we ought to on our campus... it seemed a little monotonous working with the groups the way we did, but from the teacher reports, the kids enjoyed it; hopefully they got something valuable out of it! not gonna lie, it made me miss kamp-where dressing up was mandatory!

then on saturday we had a little job fair action at one of the high schools. i'm not cut out for the human resources aspect. i just don't think it is a strength of mine. (i'm pretty certain of this). my favorite part was that i saw some familiar faces! it was great to see lorraine, marcos and tim hise! i wish i'd had more time to chat!

i went straight from the job-fair to one of my favorite adventures-walmart. yep, for multiple-item necessity, this is my go-to. so i found the items in question and made my way to the checkout. the lady greeted me with a foreign accent-i believe perhaps nigerian or something from that region. anyhoo...she bagged my stuff and when she finished, she looked at me and said, "duty debbie?" i looked at her with the scrunched nose, squinted eyes that say: what-did-you-just-say? so she repeated herself..perhaps it was, "Doodie Deadbeat" again...i raised my eyebrow, which was answered with "Anemone Bach?" uy. my brain neurons were firing at tremendous speeds trying to resolve this verbal conundrum before me. 

in an effort not to be rude, i shook my head and said no....(not certain what i was saying no to), and proceeded to tell her to have a good afternoon. she didn't hear me because she had already started to check the next person in line. so as i walked away with my cart, i repeated what she had said in her accent, and not to brag, but i am a pretty good mad gab player because i try to envision people saying the phrases with a foreign accent. and then it came to me!!

DU TY DEBBIE = DU (you) TY (did) DEBBIE (debit).

so i repeated the phrase all the way out to my car and i even started responding with my own foreign accent..which would look something like this: I.D. deadbeat.

of course i came home and immediately put that anecdote into a couple of letters i will be sending out tomorrow-i don't think they read the blog, so they won't be disappointed that they already read about it. whew!

well, i think that about covers it--counting down the days for the first round of tests to be over! hopefully i can get out into the garden after school this week...but once again, i have some meetings, so i don't know what that will look like.

time to get prepared for tomorrow with a little sleep!! 

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